- Princeton University, M.A. in Physics 2022
- DOD NDSEG Fellowship2020 - 2022
- University of California Berkeley, B.A. in Physics 2019
- Pomerantz Award - Scholarship for excellent academic standing in physics2018/19 & 2019/20
- Physics Honors
- Research in UC Berkeley Crommie Group 2017 - 2020
- Condensed matter physics research on atomic scale behavior in 2D materials
- Coauthored 2 research papers
- Personal Projects (C++)
- Doodlebug2020
- Personal infinite canvas drawing program created from scratch
- System based directly on stroke data allowing for rescaling with no pixelation or bluring
- Voxel Engine2022 - 2023
- GPU accelerated falling sand simulation with OpenGL compute shaders
- Diffuse dynamic global illumination ray tracing
- 3D destructable rigid body simulation
- Primordialis2023 - Present
- Action roguelike game where you create a primordial sea creature
- Highly granular system for player creature customization
- Custom multithreaded PBD 2D soft body simulation
- Coming to Steam soon!
- Game Jams
- 7DFPS - Created an fps in 7 days using my custom voxel engine2022
- Ludum Dare 52, 53, 54, & 55 - Created games from scratch in 48 hours2023
- UC Berkeley Physics 8A Undergraduate Student Instructor2019
- Helped grade and teach introductory physics course
- Journal Of Visual Experiments2018-2019
- Contracted to design and perform 4 different experiments to demonstrate concepts for introductory physics students
- Splash at Berkeley - How to Time Travel2019
- Volunteered to teach a one-off class to high-school students on a topic of choice
- Explained brief overview of special & general relativity and relation to time travel
- Custom Game Engine Development
- 3D and 2D Graphics & Shaders - OpenGL/WebGL, Vulkan
- Physics Simulation, including rigid bodies, soft bodies, fluid simulation, inverse-kinematics, and particle systems
- Procedural Generation
- SIMD & Multithreading Optimization
- 3D Modeling & CAD
- Programming languages: C, C++, GLSL, x86 Asm, GDScript, Java, Lua, Lisp, Python, MATLAB, Mathematica, LaTeX, LabVIEW, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Personal Interests
- FIRST Robotics - high school team robotics competition2013-2016
- World Championship2015
- Volunteered after graduation to help coordinate various events2016-2020
- Robobears - UC Berkeley combat robotics club2016-2020
- Hosted an inter-collegate combat robotics competition2019
- Designed and built combat robots both alone and with a team
- Won $500 in a Super Auto Pets tournament
- 2nd place in 2023 & 1st place in 2024 of the annual Opus Magnum tournament
- Created various mods and reversed engineered tools for Noita